Tuesday, 20 March 2012

23 Tips to Protect Yourself and Enjoy in Summer

I am posting down some tips here to help you from this deadly S factor. Try following these tips carefully and you can guard your dear ones and yourself in summer.

1. If you wear dark clothes, you have to pay for it. Try to wear simple and light colored cotton dresses. If you are in Chennai, you can get nice clothes at damn cheap prices, at shopping markets like Pondybazar and Purasaiwakam.

Skin care:
2. Avoid makeup as possible as you can. While you go out in Sun, apply moisturizing cream which has SPF (Sun protecting factor).
3. To keep your lips healthy, apply milk cream (a thin layer of cream that is formed on the surface, when you warm up the milk and then cool it down).
4. Massage your head with coconut oil once a week. If you apply oil to your head daily, it causes dust to stick to your hair and your face also looks greasy!
5. Keep a clean kerchief at handy always, to wipe your face. Try not to use tissue papers because you can help save trees!!
6. Take bath twice a day. Use a lemon flavored soap or a soap that contains tea tree oil. Tea tree oil helps your skin free from pimples and fungal infection. If you cannot afford it, try adding Neem leaves to your bathing water before you take bath.
7. You may apply talcum powder to keep yourself from excessive sweating. Nycil and Shower to Shower brands may help you in this regard.

Eye care:
8. Eyes are very delicate to the Sun's rays. You can protect your beautiful eyes by wearing goggles that cover your entire eye part. I recommend goggles which has UV protecting stuff in it.
9. If you are a traveling buff, you may be prone to eye infection, commonly called as Madras Eye in South India. No need to spend too much money on medication for curing Madras Eye. There are proven and much cheaper alternatives like Neem tube paste which is available in many medical stores.

10. You can expect heavy “snow” during summer. It is dandruff falling off your hair when you comb. These snowflakes are due to a fungal infection. You can prevent or get rid of dandruff easily by maintaining hygienic practices such as using a clean comb and a separate towel for yourself. Apply mild shampoo daily while having head bath. Dry your scalp completely. Thumb rule: “where it is wet on your body skin for a long time, some fungal infection may happen”.

11. Yummy! King of fruit (Mango) hits market every summer in India. Mango is a very good source of vitamins and fiber. Be careful not to be carried away by its tastiness. Eat it in the right amount!
12. Succulent fruits such as cucumber, water melons, tomatoes, kiwis, peaches etc are refreshing and also help your body to maintain its water levels. Come on, fill your refrigerator with these fruits rather than carbonated soft drinks. Fresh fruits are good source of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Some fruits even have the ability to prevent deadly cancer. So come on, go green guys and move to veggie and fruits.

Body odor:
13. Many people experience the problem of bad odor due to sweating. In my opinion, one should not try to avoid sweating by using antiperspirants. I would prefer to use talc, lavender oil or sandal wood oil instead of deodorants. In many cases, these essential oils are cheaper and better than branded deodorants. These are more eco friendly as they do not contain aerosols.

Some other miscellaneous tips to have a safe and enjoyable summer:
14. Do not work out during noon. It can lead to loss of ions and minerals, and quicken dehydration.
15. Try to avoid your children from going out especially during 10am-3pm. It has been proven that UV radiation is very high during this period.
16. If someone is sick due to Sunstroke, offer them electrolyte water, glucose water, tender coconut water or diluted buttermilk. This is the best first aid in my opinion.
17. Summer is the best season to start growing some plants in your gardens, or in pots or wherever you can find place in this “concrete jungle”. Plants add an aesthetic look to your home other than the benefit of providing fresh air. They can also prevent some dust from entering your home.
18. Try to avoid using air conditioners in your office and home. Rather go green! In that way, you can save electricity and cut down CFC (chloro fluro carbons). Use Vetiver mats. These “root mats” help keep your rooms cool. A little labor is required to sprinkle water over it. Encourage your children to do this work so they can learn some new stuff.
19. Enjoy indoor games like Chess, Snake and ladder, Scrabble, Caroms.
20. Teach your children to keep your home clean. Help them cultivate indoor hobbies.
21. Sleep on terrace during nights so you can save electricity. You will also get fresh air!
22. Learn about solar panels and start installing and using them.
23. Always carry an aluminum bottle for drinking water sake. If you are always going to buy packaged water, remember that you are polluting the environment. In a recent survey, it is found that less than twenty percent of drinking bottles are recycled in India.

Wish you a Happy Summer!

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